Bangalore: Tablets are expected to outdo desktop computers for the first time in 2013. This has been reported by a research from International Data Cooperation (IDC), where they have stated that the number of tablets sold this year is expected to increase by almost 50 percent, to over 190 million units.
The continuous rise on sales of tablets however means that it will also outdo laptop computers according to a report by the Telegraph.
Reports have also emphasized on the Smartphone market’s growth by 27 percent. This is due to the number of units sold, which crossed over 900 million units.
IDC has also predicted that by 2017over 350 million tablets will be sold every year, almost closing the gap to the estimated 1.5 billion Smartphones that were to be sold last year.
On the either side, the sale of desktop PCs is in gentle decline while laptop computer sales are slightly stable worldwide increasing gradually in well established markets.
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