Thursday, March 6, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4 Gets Android 4.4 Kit Kat Update

Samsung has kept their promise by rolling out the Android 4.4 KitKat update for Samsung Galaxy S4 phones in India. The Korean maker had assured the latest upgrade for the Android operating system and has successfully accomplished it, reports androidgeek.

The rollout will give an update prompt and in case of any trouble one can do it manually as well. To manually update you should go to the about option under the settings tab and click on update. It is highly recommended to do the download over the Wi-Fi as it may involve data charges if done over the normal cellular connection.

The new update is 353.59MB heavy and comes with a boat load of features like status bar notification icons and full screen album art. A quick access option to launch the camera has been added on the lock screen and the keyboard and typing features have been improved for better user experience. The upgrade also provides a facility to toggle between the default Android messaging app and Google Hangouts.

Other features of the new KitKat upgrade include a power saving mode and an option to turn on all the sensors of the gadget while using apps for navigation to get the best result. The wireless printing option and the tap to pay feature of the new release makes it worth installing.    

Samsung has done all the very best to impress their customers by coiling an easy to use manual guide on how to upgrade their Samsung Galaxy S4.

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Related : Samsung Galaxy S4 Gets Android 4.4 Kit Kat Update


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