Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Google Educator Groups go global

Three months ago we announced the launch of our Google Educator Groups (GEG), a program aimed at supporting communities of educators who learn, share and inspire each other to meet the needs of their students through technology solutions, both in the classroom and beyond. With 124 groups already off and running, educators are expanding their social and professional networks and gaining skills to deliver the best possible education through open technology across 23 different countries.
GEG meet-ups in India, Philippines, and Australia
GEG provides a space for educators to meet, collaborate and learn both online and in-person. Google+ communities connect group members and serve as an online hub for communication, but leaders also coordinate in-person events and workshops for their group. Whether you’re a teacher, professor or principal, anyone is welcome to join a GEG. Each group is organized by a local volunteer (GEG leader) and is entirely independent from Google.

We recently launched the website in 11 more languages to help support growth of the program in countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Thailand, Russia and many more. We couldn't be more excited about the growth of the program and the positive feedback we're hearing from those participating around the world.

If you’re interested in joining a GEG or starting a new one please visit to learn more, spread the word and get involved. See you in GEG!

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